I am a stranger to this world, a
pilgrim just passing through
Hebrews 11:13
These all died in faith, not
having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of
them, embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the
I don't know about you but I sure
don't relish the thought of moving here on earth! But when I think about being
a "pilgrim passing through" - now there's a move I can rejoice about
- no packing - no cumbersome furniture to haul across the countryside! And what
a destination! HOME! "To think of stepping ashore and finding it --
heaven! Of grasping an outstretched hand -- and finding it
God's!" Now that's a move I'm looking forward to - how about you?
Do you catch yourself moaning and
groaning over getting a year older? Or over the aging process? Remember we're
just "pilgrims passing through" Next time you're tempted to hang your
head underneath life's heavy load - lift your eyes up to the heaven and remind
yourself "I AM A PILGRIM, passing through to my eternal HOME!"
HALLELUJAH! I'm supposed to feel like a "stranger" here!
Spread the Word!
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