September 21, 2015
I am one who has overcome the
wicked one
1 John 2:14 Message Bible
And a second reminder,
dear children: You know the Father from personal experience. You veterans
know the ONE who started it all and you newcomers --such vitality and
strength! God's word is so steady in you. Your fellowship with God enables you
to gain a victory over the Evil One.
Here the Apostle of love
[John the beloved] tells the followers of Christ that their FELLOWSHIP with God
enables them to WIN over EVIL! Notice the past tense! Often we feel powerless
or useless in the battle against evil - but remember we are told "RESIST
the devil and he will flee from you.! Nothing makes him run like using the WORD
of God! Do you feel you have no strength left for battle? RESIST! Having done
all to stand, stand - ! Don't quit - it's usually darkest just before DAWN!
FIGHT ON! Tomorrow comes the SONG!
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