February 27, 2016
The Promises of God:
"The blessing of the LORD, it
maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22).
Now there's a promise I like an
extra lot! You know how it goes - people / ads promise us all sorts of perks
and "blessings" however when you read the "fine print"
there is always some catch! Or you probably get the same e-mails I do - You are
the winner of a new laptop computer just enter your zip code here! _______
hahahahaahaha - then you have to go and fill out many offers and your computer
does not arrive until you have submitted documented proof of all those offers
and their fulfillment !!!
Doesn't it make you GLAD that
"the blessing of the Lord, makes us RICH and HE adds no sorrow (no strings
attached) with it!!!!!! ???? Some of you remember the old chorus: "The
blessings will come down as the praise goes up - so why not praise the
Lord!" Whatever else is on your agenda today start blessing and thanking
the LORD for HIS blessings and watch how it boomerangs!
#thewordworks #livetheword #promisesofGod
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