April 30, 2016
The Promises of God:
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13).
Now look at this! It is God who works in us to make us pleasing in His sight! It is not left up to us! I hope that makes you laugh out loud like a little carefree child! We get so worked up about how to fix ourselves up and do all the "right" stuff as if we could actually do that! - meanwhile God just has to wait until we realize this truth - HE IS THE only One who can change us anyway - as long as we think we can do it - we hinder HIM from going ahead and doing HIS work - So today - STOP IT! Just come to HIM and let HIM do HIS work in and through you! :-) Better than alka seltzer - oh what a relief it is! :-)
#spreadtheword #thewordworks #livetheword #promisesofGod