Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015

A PREPARED PLACE: Bethlehem stable

Luke 2:7
....and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

I know the general thought is how terrible that there was no room in the inn. HOWEVER.......

GOD and all heaven had prepared every detail about this whole divine entrance into the world of men! In order for prophecy to be fulfilled, Joseph and Mary needed to be in BETHLEHEM - there is no earthly reason they would have made that journey aside from Caesar decreeing that everyone must return to their home town to be counted! Seems like a whim - WRONG! It was orchestrated by HEAVEN! :-)

Secondly, the "INNS" of those days were very UNFIT places for a baby to be born! Men and women shared the same room lying on mats spread out on the floor side by side - often places of ill repute as well! There would have been NO PRIVACY or dignity to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords being born there! HOWEVER......

God put it in the innkeeper’s heart to offer his stable - a shelter - privacy - provision! Notice the angels knew exactly where HE was! :-)

We serve an awesome GOD that pays to minute details! WORSHIP HIM today with THANKFULNESS!

 #keepChristinChristmas #spreadtheword #thewordworks

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